YMCA of the Triangle

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YMCA Summer Day Camp

YMCA Summer Day Camp

Day Camps

At YMCA Summer Day Camp, children spend the day outside on new adventures. Campers swim, play sports and games, create arts and crafts and make new friends. 

Our day camp programs are for ages 2 through rising grade 10 at locations around the Triangle.

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Traditional Day Camps

YMCA traditional day camp is summer camp how you remember it - fresh air, being outside and having fun. Our camps offer activities for grades K - 8 in a safe, inclusive environment. Campers play indoor and outdoor games and sports, spend time on crafts and play in the pools. They make new friends and reconnect with other campers. 


Group of campers working together on a craft project

Sports Camps

At YMCA Sports Camps, kids learn new sport-specific skills, practice and scrimmage against other campers. Basketball camp and soccer camp are always popular but we also have weeks for dance, cheer, flag football and jump rope. 

Group of sports camp participants practicing dribbling basketballs

Wee Camp & Kindercamp

The YMCA has half-day camps for our littlest campers. Wee Camp and Kindercamp are for ages 2 through rising kindergarten. These half-day programs are full of songs, crafts, circle time, learning through play and having fun. You can find all our day camps for our littlest campers by visiting our Traditional Camps page and searching on age. 

YMCA Preschool Camps