YMCA of the Triangle

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Kid Zone Care is a drop-off child care program held at the YMCA. This program is specifically set up to help our members enjoy a workout knowing their child is secure, safe and well taken care of.

Kid Zone Care is for YMCA members whose children are on their membership and is offered at no charge as part of YMCA member benefits. Each session is up to two hours. Parents must remain on YMCA property while their children are in Kid Zone.

A.E. Finley YMCA6 weeks - 11 yearsHours
Alexander Family YMCA

6 weeks - 5 years (Weekday mornings)

6 weeks - 10 years

Chatham YMCA2 months - 10 yearsHours
Downtown Durham YMCA6 weeks - 11 yearsHours
East Triangle YMCA6 weeks - 10 yearsHours
Hope Valley Farms YMCA6 weeks - 5 yearsHours
Ingram Family YMCA6 weeks - 11 years
*1.5-hour visit limit on Saturdays
Kerr Family YMCA2 months - 12 yearsHours
Kraft Family YMCA6 weeks - 11 yearsHours
Lakewood YMCA6 weeks - 5 yearsHours
Northwest Cary YMCA6 weeks - 11 yearsHours
Poole Family YMCA6 weeks - 10 yearsHours
Southeast Raleigh YMCA6 weeks - 12 yearsHours
Taylor Family YMCA6 weeks - 11 yearsHours

*evenings, weekends and WCPSS holidays

Program Information

Our Kid Zone programs utilize the following staff-to-child ratios:

  • Infants (6 weeks to 18 months) 1:3
  • Toddlers and Preschoolers (18 months to 5 years old) 1:7
  • School Age Children (5 -11 years old)  1:12

Depending on the age of your child, you may need to bring the following items to Kid Zone:

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Change of clothes
  • Bottle (breast milk or pre-mixed formula) if your baby needs to be fed while in our care.
  • Water Bottle
  • Jacket/sweater (if it is cold outside)
  • Please wear clothes and shoes appropriate for indoor and outdoor play.

Please do not bring:

  • Expensive toys/electronics (The Y is not responsible for lost, stolen or broken items.)
  • Snacks/food


  • Children are allowed up to two hours per day in Kid Zone.
  • Parents/caregivers must remain onsite at the YMCA while their child(ren) is in Kid Zone.
  • The adult who drops the child off at Kid Zone should also be the parent picking up from Kid Zone.

We take the safety of children and adults in YMCA care very seriously. If you have serious concerns about any YMCA of the Triangle program, please let us know.