Together with The Encouraging Place, Triangle MLK Committee, Raleigh Chamber, Wake County and Wake Together, the YMCA will co-host a local interactive gathering, open to the community, for the Kellogg Foundation’s National Day of Racial Healing. The event is sponsored by Wells Fargo.
The event at First Baptist Church is an opportunity to gather people to share dialogue and inspire action for a more equitable and just world.
The morning will feature continental breakfast, a keynote speaker and small group breakout sessions. Doors open and breakfast is available starting at 8 a.m. with the program beginning at 9 a.m.
Racial healing is at the core of racial equity.
Accessibility: Spanish language and hearing impaired interpretation services will be available at the check-in table. The building is handicap accessible with a ramp and elevator.
Parking: Public parking is available for free on weekends in Downtown Raleigh. The closest parking garage is the Green Square Parking Garage, located directly across the street from First Baptist Church at the corner of W. Edenton St. and N. McDowell St.
Limited parking for individuals with mobility issues is available in the lot behind the church, accessed from Hillsborough St.
Entry: Security measures dictate everyone must enter First Baptist Church from the entrance facing N. McDowell St., located under the awning. It can be accessed from the parking garage by crossing Edenton St.
Check-in: Continue down the entry hallway to the check-in area outside of the Fellowship Hall to pick up your name tag.
Breakfast: Continental breakfast and coffee will be available in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 8 a.m. Food and open cups will not be allowed in the sanctuary, so please arrive with enough time to finish your breakfast.
The National Day of Racial Healing is annual observance hosted by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) created with and builds on the work and learnings of the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) community partners. Fundamental to this day is a clear understanding that racial healing is at the core of racial equity. This official day is observed every year on the Tuesday following Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.