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Youth & Government Conference Tips for Newcomers

By Sammey Malik and Kate Krouse

Everyone get excited; Youth & Government is this week! This year, there are many new participants in NC’s Youth & Government, so past participants have tips and tricks to prepare you for the big weekend. 

What do we need to bring? Ensure you have your computer, pencils, and pens for the conference, and keep your phone charged! A portable charger is a great option to guarantee that your electronics will be ready for use throughout the long days. 

What should we wear? Youth & Government follows a “business-professional” dress code, meaning more conservative, professional, and work-friendly attire! For women, wear professional pants, long skirts, and blouses. Of course, adding a blazer is always fun, and it would be the perfect addition! For men, think of collared shirts, dress pants, and a blazer. Also, remember to pack some casual clothes for hanging around in your rooms, an outfit fitting the Neon Friday Fun Night theme, and a nice outfit for the Hollywood theme Gala! For the gala, wear a dress (think homecoming or formal dances at school) for women and a nice suit and tie for men. 

What should we expect to do during the days while at the conference (schedules)? Get ready to wake up early and have a long day! Don’t worry because there will be designated lunch breaks and breaks between presentations or assignments. Everyone will be given a set schedule referring to their role and responsibilities, and if you ever have questions, don’t be afraid to ask friends around you! 

How much free time do you have during the day? Similarly to what’s stated above, everyone has a slightly different schedule depending on their responsibilities, so free time will be contingent on what you’re doing! If you participate in trials, those tend to take up to an hour. Free time will differ depending on your work for media and other specialized positions. However, everyone will have time to take a break during lunch and have time to relax in their hotel room. 

Navigating the unfamiliar environment that is the YAG conference might seem overwhelming, but hopefully this article mitigates some fear. We hope newcomers can transform potential apprehension into a rewarding and enriching experience during the conference. By embracing these tips, newcomers can integrate seamlessly into the high school conference environment, make lasting connections, and cultivate valuable skills for their personal and academic journey.