YMCA of the Triangle

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Teen Programs for Their Future

Teens participating in these programs will develop leadership skills for today and the future. With community service, team-building and fellowship, teens step into leadership roles that prepare them for college and future careers. All teens can reach their full future potential at the YMCA. 

Leaders Club

Make a difference through YMCA Leaders Club, a leadership development community service program that helps teens discover their full potential. It is a safe place where teens can come and simply be themselves. Learn more

Lightner Y Achievers

Lightner Y Achievers is truly an experience everyone should soak up. It's a program that helps teens understand and learn who they are at critical times in their lives. Learn more


Teens in rising grades 9 and 10 can attend several YMCA Summer Day Camps as CILTs, or Campers in Leadership Training. CILTs spend part of the day shadowing counselors, part of the day as campers and part of the day in leadership development. CILTs may draft resumes, look at options for after high school and take part in service programs to earn volunteer hours. Learn more

Junior Lifeguard Program 

The Junior Lifeguards (ages 14 - 15) are aquatics leaders in training. This program is similar to CILTs except teens are at pools, not day camps. They will have opportunities to learn from lifeguards, enjoy fellowship with their peers and have fun while at YMCA aquatics facilities. Learn more


Teens age 16 and older can apply for positions within the YMCA. We have opportunities for youth counselors - day camp, after school, track out camp - lifeguards, site coordinators and more. Learn more

College  Scholarships

The YMCA offers several scholarship opportunities for teens in YMCA programs. Learn more